The Witness Box

Commenting on expert evidence, economic damages, and interesting developments in injury, wrongful death, business torts, discrimination, and wage and hour lawsuits

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Expert Directory Listing for Daubert-Quality experts ONLY

According to an email solicitation from, The Daubert Expert Witness directory, ( the group has created a new expert listing service. The new service will contain only those expert witnesses who can confirm that they have successfully defeated a Daubert challenge.

The charge for a listing is $495 a year for experts. Free for attorneys. Experts have to be able to prove they have survived a Daubert challenge in the past. The FAQ does not say that having your testimony excluded makes you ineligible; you just have to have survived one challenge in the past.

All and all a good idea; we wish them luck on the site.

However, one question comes to mind. What if the expert is 1 (successful challenge) and 29 (exclusions)? Only the 1 successful challenge will show. Not sure how a listing by this expert would be all that helpful for the potential retaining attorney.

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