I believe that modern democracy is a foolish system of government, TMBR. via /r/TMBR

I believe that modern democracy is a foolish system of government, TMBR.

I've recently come to the conclusion that what passes for modern day democracy is foolish and doesn't work. To use two big examples, the UK and USA:

In USA there's a two party system which forces people to vote for the "lesser of two evils" rather than giving anyone a real choice. I'm not an American, but if I was I'd be voting Trump; despite thinking the guy is an absolute tool. Why? Because I think Hillary Clinton is a more subversive danger to USA. Trump may say wild things like he's going to "build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" and other wild shit that'd never actually happen; but Clinton… she could pass some dangerous laws that would severely hurt public good for the poorer classes. The fact that Bernie Sanders was more popular with the people than Clinton but didn't get the party nomination because of superdeligates is a massive shame as he offered something genuinely different from right wing nut job in red and right wing nut job in blue.

Now consider the UK. We have a government that's holding a majority government in the house of commons despite having less than 1/3 of the popular vote because of a mixture of gerrymandering and the broken first past the post system. We had an EU referendum vote where literally millions of people voted based on lies and misinformation, and others voted without even knowing what they where voting for. I feel personally very angry that people voted to leave the EU in order to "get these damn Muzzies out of our country", completely unaware that the Muslims are coming from countries outside of the EU in the fucking first place. They just read the word "leave" on the ballot paper and got confused, I think… and that's the problem, everyone's vote is worth the same.

Why is my vote worth the same as an uneducated moron voting based on racist nonsense unrelated to the fucking issue we're voting on. Why does he even get a say? I know what all the parties stand for, spend hours watching the debates, learning the issues, and educating myself on the policies; only to have my vote undone by some crazy pensioner who has an irrational hatred of foreigners. This isn't right, it isn't fair, and it's certainly not the way you should run a country.

If I'm having surgery, the surgeon and the other doctors get a say on how to proceed. The theatre nurse and anaesthesiologist get a say too, but specifically based on their expertise. The fucking janitor however doesn't get a say! Not everyone's opinion is equal. If you run a business, the CEO and board of directors decide what happens, Jimmy the night-shift assistant doesn't get a say. Why do we run countries in a way that would be considered ludicrous in any other situation. Why is everyone consulted on education policies, health policies, foreign policies etc. when the vast majority of people have no working knowledge of these issues?

Personally, I feel we should replace the system of representative democracy with a meritocratic oligarchy. I want doctors and health professionals in charge of the health system, I want teachers in charge of education, I want ecologists and biologists in charge of environmental policy. If you don't have a medical degree you shouldn't be health secretary for example. So how do we choose who represents us? We should have a system of voting where people have to pass a test to be allowed to vote; a simple foundational knowledge test. If you can't explain what the issues are and what the parties manifesto each state on the issue, you don't get to vote on the issue. Simple as that.

The right to vote feels abused. Why does everyone get a right to vote? Why is everyone treated equally when they're clearly not? Just as you wouldn't, if you had a broken tooth, equally consider the advice of a well trained dentist and Bazza a guy who pulls out his own teeth with a piece of string and a door; we shouldn't equally consider the advice of educated citizens and morons with a ballot paper.

As the famous quote goes, "the biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter". I'm sick of being told what to do by the idiots in our society. Why are we letting them decide our laws just because they outnumber us?

Submitted July 30, 2016 at 12:27PM by TornadoCreator
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J.R. Randall

J.R. Randall is an economist who resides in the Bay Area. He focuses his interest on range of economic topics. He has interest in deep sea fishing and art.