Advice needed! completely lost via /r/Advice

Advice needed! completely lost

I've been on reddit for years just never made a account until this.

My issue is pretty intense. I'm 30, male. No friends besides one person who needs my help and no family. Well the one friend I have is also my girlfriend who is about to have our first child… Well its twins so first kids. We used birth control but it failed. 99.8% so pretty unlucky on that part. We never wanted kids. She doesn't work. I just lost my job. I don't have an on paper education. I didn't finish highschool. I was alone and thought I knew everything. My plan was to live with the basics and nothing fancy a part time job just making the bills and we were happy. I hate, i mean hate working. I get suicidally depressed if I work like 3 days in a row. I drive a motorcycle. She has an old busted up truck. It will work for the kids. She is going to move back in with her mom who said she will financially support the kids not us though which is understandable we are adults. My Internet has days left before they shut it off. My phone gets shut off tomorrow. My motorcycle front tire ripped. So I have to walk. I have maybe 3$ to my name. Where do I go now. My girlfriend is crying and crying thinking she will lose me as a hobo. I just don't know what to do. If I can find work again I'll be able to pay the bills but I have to walk until I can fix my tire. About 200$. I haven't seen that much money since I was in my early 20s. I probably need to see a therapist but I've tried for like 3 years. I filled out every paper to see state ones or even college students. I never get approved.

Basically, I just need some direction. I don't want welfare. We arnt moochers we just like to live a simple life. My bills equal less than 200$ and my rent is 450$ so my part time job covered that.

Please ignore the grammer errors I wrote this on my cell phone.

Submitted July 30, 2016 at 10:56AM by CreationXII
Click here for the original Reddit article

J.R. Randall

J.R. Randall is an economist who resides in the Bay Area. He focuses his interest on range of economic topics. He has interest in deep sea fishing and art.