[Update] More financial strain via /r/raisedbynarcissists

[Update] More financial strain

In continuation from this thread:

Last week, my Nmom told me that some old credit card debt had caught up with her, and now her wages are being garnished. We had worked out a budget where she was paying a fair share of her mortgage payment, but finding out that she could only make $435 every other week from work made her decide that she couldn't afford to pay for anything except her own car and phone payments. So now my Nmom is once again holding me responsible for paying the entirety of the $725 mortgage, and the budget we had planned didn't last for even a month. The budget would still be manageable were my Nmom not blowing hundreds of dollars a month on beer, but she has no intention of cutting herself off, and if she's confronted about it, she only reacts defensively and insists that she should be allowed to spend "her money" the way she wants to.

That same night, she apparently panicked and started incoherently threatening to cut off our food stamps despite the fact that she would be harmed in at least equal measure by this. Not to mention the fact that my Nmom continues to deny that I'm the only reason we still receive food benefits at all, since without my social security, we would've exceeded the lifetime limit several years ago and been cut off. She insisted that the card is "in her name", even though the money is clearly meant for everyone listed in the household, which includes me and my partner as of right now. She's continuing to be verbally abusive to everyone in the household for things as minor as forgetting to clean out the dryer vent, and frankly, I've had it with my Nmom running roughshod over me.

So now my resolve's been steeled to leave as soon as I get the chance. I was feeling guilt over pulling the rug out from under my Nmom, but at this point, I don't really feel any hesitation. My therapist has unambiguously told me at this point that I need to leave for my own sake. My roommate and girlfriend are going out with me to go apartment hunting this week, and we're hoping to be moved out before the end of the calendar year. I'm not footing the bill on my Nmom's mistakes anymore.

Submitted October 30, 2016 at 11:17AM by Zyrada
Click here for the original Reddit article

J.R. Randall

J.R. Randall is an economist who resides in the Bay Area. He focuses his interest on range of economic topics. He has interest in deep sea fishing and art.