The Witness Box

Commenting on expert evidence, economic damages, and interesting developments in injury, wrongful death, business torts, discrimination, and wage and hour lawsuits

Monday, May 15, 2006

How big is the expert witness industry?

About $6 to $8 billion per year according to BARRY SHLACHTER, a Fort Worth

Some examples he points out in his article:

Texas Christian University business professors: $650,000 for the 1,100 hours he devoted to reviewing the business practices of former Chief Executive Kenneth Lay.

Auto engineer: goes from being a $130,000-a-year engineer at Ford to an expert witness who billed his former employer $22 million from 2002 to 2005

“In patent litigation, the average cost per side is $2 million. There are 2,814 patent litigation filings in 2003, which means about $11 billion. If just 1 percent was spent on expert witnesses, that’s more $1 billion for patent cases alone.


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