The Witness Box

Commenting on expert evidence, economic damages, and interesting developments in injury, wrongful death, business torts, discrimination, and wage and hour lawsuits

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

What to look for when hiring an economist

What should you look for when you are evaluating the CV of a potential economic damages expert witness in your injury, wrongful death or employment case?

1. Education.  In most cases involving wage and compensation losses, you should choose an expert with a Ph.D. in economics.   Although, in some types of cases especially those involving losses that are specific to a particular business , a CPA or MBA can be used, in cases involving individual losses or employment matters, your case will involve projecting compensation levels many years into the future.   A  Ph.D. economist will have more general knowledge on the labor market factors that effect an individual workers  salary and retirement benefits levels. 

2. Professional Experience.  An economist with prior undergraduate teaching experience is usually the best fit in litigation settings.  The experiences of trying to relay complicated ideas in a simple way that comes from teaching at the undergraduate level are the same as those required in a court  room setting.   Experts with teaching experience are also usually more comfortable talking in front of a diverse group of people.

3. Experience.  In many situations, the economist with NO court room experience makes the best expert.  Economists that are new to litigation support will tend to bring new ideas to the table.  Economists that are new to litigation support will also be less likely to be viewed as a hired gun by the jury


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