H.R. 452, 454, 489, 459, 452 and 451 Committee Results via /r/ModelUSGov

H.R. 452, 454, 489, 459, 452 and 451 Committee Results

H.R. 452: American by Action Act

Section I. Short Title.

(a) This act may be referred to as the “American By Action Act.”

Section II. Definitions.

(a) The term “gallant act,” for the purposes of this act, shall mean any action that has been made to by a person to keep a US citizen from mortal or bodily danger while ignoring both personal hazard and convenience.

(b) The term "other patriotic act" shall be defined for the purposes of this act as performing any of the following actions for three consecutive years:

(I) providing a needed service to a community,

(II) maintaining employment, or

(III ) filing for federal income taxes

Section III. Gallant Acts.

(a) Any person who is not a citizen of the United States who has committed a gallant act or other patriotic act may be offered preferred citizenship status by Secretary of State.

Section IV. Responsibilities of the Secretary of State.

(a) The Secretary of State is hereby directed to setup a preferred citizenship status system by which those who qualify under this act may apply.

(b) Said preferred citizenship status is required to be processed at all capable speeds and convenience for the subject person.

(c) The Secretary of State is hereby required to inform the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Director of National Intelligence, the chairman or chairwoman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

(d) If a person is found to qualify for preferred citizenship status under this act but is disqualified under another law the Secretary of State may choose to waive said disqualification.

Section V. Enactment.

(a) This law will go into effect 180 days after its successful passage.

Yeas: 5

Presents: 3

the bill passes the committee on Foreign Affairs and onto the full house for consideration.

H.R. 454: Yei Yang Act


Whereas: The United States partook in massive cluster bombing raids in the nation of Laos during the War in Vietnam,

Whereas: A vast majority of these bombs never actually exploded,

Whereas: An estimated 80 million unexploded ordinances remain scattered around the nation of Laos,

Whereas: Since the end of the conflict, these unexploded ordinances have claimed the lives of around 20,000 Laotians, around 50 people a year, 40% of the victims being children,

Whereas: The United States government spent millions of dollars a day dropping these bombs,

Whereas: The United State spends but 2 million dollars a year removing said bombs,

Whereas: To improve as a nation we must make right our wrongs of the past,

Whereas: The United States owes the Laotian people for the devastation we continue to cause them,

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Section 1. Title

This bill is to referred to as “The Yei Yang Act”, after Yei Yang, a victim of one of these Unexploded ordinances.

Section 2. Definitions

(a) Laos- The Lao People's Democratic Republic, a nation in Southeast Asia.

(b) Unexploded Ordinances- Explosive Devices that failed to detonate when intended and pose a threat to civilian populations.

Section 3: An increase in the amount of aid given to Laos for the purpose of removing unexploded ordinances.

(a) "A one-time fund of 80 million dollars shall be allocated to the US Department of State to purchase equipment for the removal of undetonated explosives in Laos, which are to be donated to Laos within 1 year of the enactment of this bill. Any of these funds which are not used within a year of the enactment of the bill shall be returned to the US Department of the Treasury."

Section 4: Enactment.

(a) Enactment.—This act shall take effect 90 days after its passage into law.

(b) Severability.—The provisions of this act are severable. If any part of this act is declared invalid or unconstitutional, that declaration shall not affect the part which remains.

(c) Implementation.—The Secretary of State may establish the necessary procedure to which the this bill may be carried out.

Yeas: 5

Nays: 6

The bill fails the committee on Budget and Financial Services

H.R. 456: Nicking the Nickel Act

Whereas, the penny was already abolished by Congress in B.044

Whereas, the nickel costs approximately 10 cents to produce, double its value

Whereas, when the half-penny was abolished, its purchasing power was 11 cents, and the value of the penny, the least valuable remaining coin, was still far higher than that of the present-day nickel

Whereas, transactions and calculations are more efficient when using only one decimal place

Be it enacted by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the United States in Congress assembled,


(a) This bill shall be referred to as the “Nicking the Nickel Act.”


(a) Section 2 of B.044 is hereby repealed.

(b) The circulation of the nickel shall be discontinued.

(c) With the removal of five-cent pieces, and the previous removal of one-cent pieces, a new rounding system will be implemented for all cash purchase (non-cash transactions will not be affected).

(i)The rounding system shall work as follows: all cash transactions that end with a number from one to four (1-4) will be rounded down to the nearest tenth of a dollar, all transactions that end with a number from five to nine (5-9) will be rounded up.

(d) The nickel shall remain an accepted form of cash payment


(a) The United States Mint, contained within the United States Department of the Treasury, shall discontinue the circulation of the nickel at the beginning of 2017.

(b) The United States Mint shall instruct all banks and financial institutions to return their nickels in exchange for different denominations with an equivalent sum.

(c) The nickels collected by the United States Mint shall be melted down and sold off for their value in metals.


(a) This bill, upon passage, shall serve as a guide until enactment on January 1st, 2017.

Yeas: 7

Nays: 4

The bill passes the committee on Budget and Financial Services and onto the full house for consideration.

H.R. 489: Military Realignment Act of 2016


Yeas: 3

Nays: 4

Presents: 2

This bill fails the Ways and Means committee.

H.R. 459: Restoration of Native Lands, Culture, and Educational Funding Act

An act to pay for America’s sinful theft of native land.

Section One Short Title

Subsection One: This bill may be referred to as the “Restoration of Native Lands, Culture, and Educational Funding Act,” OR as the “Native Land Return Act,” OR as the “RNLCEF Act.” Section Two Definitions

Subsection One: Native nations shall be defined as any tribe or nation of Native American people recognized by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Section Three Restoration of Stolen Land

Subsection One: Native Nations will be granted a percentage of land in each state equals to the percentage of their population in that state.

Subsection Two: A committee containing three representatives of a Native Nation, three representatives of the United States Government, and a third party mediator who will only vote in the case of tie shall be created for each land transfer.

Subsection Three: These committees shall base the land to be transferred on the following criteria:

(a) Productive capability of the land should be of average to above average quality compared to the entire state.

(b) Historical ownership of the land and location of important cultural sites.

(c) Continuity of transferred land. Subsection Four: Native Nations may negotiate the transfer of land collectively.

Section Two Acquisition and Purchase of Occupied Land

Subsection One: The Native Nations to gain ownership of transferred land will have authority over the transfer of land from current occupants to the Native Nations.

Subsection Two: The Native Nations may seek full monetary compensation from the United States government for land they allow to remain in its current ownership.

Subsection Three: The Current Owner may seek full monetary compensation from the United States government if:

(a) The Native Nations does not consent to their maintaining of current ownership, OR,

(b) if the current owner no longer wishes to maintain current ownership. Section Five Funding

Subsection One: The provisions in this Act shall be funded by a land value tax of 4% which shall be applied until all costs are accounted for.

Section Three Permission of Independence Referendum

Subsection One: Any Native Nation which obtains land under this act may hold a referendum for independence from the United States, in which the nation will become independent upon a majority vote in favor of independence.

Subsection Two: The United States will assist in this Native Nation’s entry into the United Nations and other relevant bodies.

Section Four Admittance to the Union as a State or Territory Referendum

Subsection One: Any Native Nation which obtains land under this act and meets the qualifications below may hold a referendum to become a state or territory. The referendum will offer all options relevant from the following:

(a) Become a state

(b) Become a United States Territory

(c) Maintain current status

And use single transferable vote as the means of vote calculation.

Subsection Two: Native Nations must have a population of at least 10,000 to qualify to become a territory, or at least 50,000 to become a state.

Section Five Enactment

This bill will be enacted 90 days after passing.

Yeas: 1

Nays: 7

the bill fails the Ways and Means committee

H.R. 452: Verifying Investigation of the Ku Klux Klan Act

An act to demand greater investigation of hate groups such as the KKK

Section One Short Title

(a) This act can be referred to as the “Verifying Investigation Of The Ku Klux Klan Act”

Section Two Investigation of the KKK

(a) The FBI shall be charged with the task of investigating every Ku Klux Klan (KKK) meeting, as well as the meetings of other similar white nationalist groups.

(b) The information gathered by the FBI will be made available to the public upon request.

(c) The FBI will grant a $500 reward to any person who provides relevant information about the activity of the KKK and white nationalist groups.

Section Three Enactment

(a) This bill will be enacted thirty days after passing.

Yeas: 1

Nays: 7

This bill fails the Ways and Means committee.

H.R. 451: Ritual Slaughter Ban Act

Whereas Ritual Slaughter is an inhumane and inefficient way of killing animals for sustenance

Whereas The practice is highly unsanitary and potentially risky for consumption

Whereas The United States government’s priority is to maintain the health and safety of its citizens from unsanitary and potentially life threatening food.

Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled,

Section 1. Short Title

A. This bill may be referred to as the Ritual Slaughter Outlawing Bill, or RSOB. It may be referred to as the Ritual Slaughter Outlawing Bill of 2016 or RSOB 2016 to differentiate it from similarly titled future bills.

Section 2. Defining Ritual Slaughter

A. Ritual Slaughter is defined as the practices of Shechita found within Judaism and Dhabihah found within Islam

B. Shechita as per Wikipedia, “The procedure, which must be performed by a shochet, involves severing the trachea, esophagus, carotid arteries, jugular veins and vagus nerve in a swift action using a special knife (see below) with an extremely sharp blade. This is done with the intention of causing a rapid drop in blood pressure in the brain and loss of consciousness, to render the animal insensitive to pain and to exsanguinate in a prompt and precise action. The procedure may be performed with the animal either lying on its back or standing. To fulfill the basic law of shechita, the majority of both the trachea and esophagus (windpipe and food pipe) of a mammal, or the majority of either one of these in the case of birds, must be incised with a back and forth motion without violating one of the five major prohibited techniques (see below), or various other detailed rules.”

C. Dhabiha as per Wikipedia, “The butcher must be Muslim, the name of God or "In the name of God" must be called by the butcher upon slaughter of each halal animal separately, and it should consist of a swift, deep incision with a very sharp knife on the throat, cutting the wind pipe, jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides but leaving the spinal cord intact.”

Section 3. If Enacted

A. The United States government shall begin reforming the institutions, slaughterhouses, and stores that follow the practices of Shechita and Dhabiha.

B. The United States government shall work with health and food inspection agencies to maintain the sanitary and proper practice transformation of said institutions, slaughterhouses, and stores.

C. If said institutions, slaughterhouses, or stores have been found to be continuing these practices the United States Government will shut down said institutions, slaughterhouses, and stores and will seize the assets of the owners.

D. The United States Food and Drug Administration will oversee the disbanding and seizing of assets of said institutions, slaughterhouses, and stores that continue the practice of Shechita and Dhabiha.

Yeas: 0

Nays: 11

This bill fails the committee on Entitlements, Labor and Education.

Submitted October 30, 2016 at 11:31PM by Viktard
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J.R. Randall

J.R. Randall is an economist who resides in the Bay Area. He focuses his interest on range of economic topics. He has interest in deep sea fishing and art.