The Witness Box

Commenting on expert evidence, economic damages, and interesting developments in injury, wrongful death, business torts, discrimination, and wage and hour lawsuits

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

One economist's personal experience providing economic expert witness testimony: A day by day blow [Day 2]

5.18.05 (Wednesday)

Does not look like I will go today. The jury just got selected yesterday so it is unlikely that I will go today. In general most plaintiffs I have worked with like to use me toward the end. They typically will say that they ‘want to put a $ value on their case’ to the jury. However, I am a little nervous because I did get a chance to go over the testimony and the questions that the plaintiff’s attorney tends to ask.

Generally, I am told, the plaintiff’s attorney that I am working with has a loose easy going style. He tends to ask more general questions and just lets the economist go with it. (Some attorneys are different and ‘ask’ more pointed questions that you basically answer with a yes or no or at the most a very short (2-3 sentence) response.)

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